Deleted Emails Keep Coming Back into Deleted Items Folder

Deleted Emails Keep Coming Back into Deleted Items Folder

If you’ve been trying to delete emails from your Exchange Online mailbox only to find them reappearing, you’re not alone. This issue can be frustrating, but there are effective solutions to ensure that deleted emails are permanently removed from your mailbox. In this blog post, we’ll explore the steps to achieve this, focusing on emptying the “Recoverable Items” folder and checking for any holds on your mailbox.

Why Do Emails Reappear After Deletion?

When you delete emails from your Exchange Online mailbox, they often go to the “Deleted Items” folder. From there, they may move to the “Recoverable Items” folder if you attempt to delete them again. However, several factors can prevent these emails from being permanently deleted:

  • Retention Policies: These are set by administrators to retain emails for a certain period.
  • Litigation Hold or Retention Hold: These holds prevent data from being permanently deleted.
  • Single Item Recovery: This feature allows for recovery of deleted items within a specified period. (14 days by default)
  • Delay Hold: This holds items for 24 hours before they are permanently deleted.

Solution 1: Emptying the Recoverable Items Folder via OWA

One of the most straightforward methods to ensure emails are permanently deleted is by emptying the “Recoverable Items” folder through Outlook Web App (OWA). Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Log in to OWA:
    Open your web browser and navigate to the Outlook Web App. Log in with your Exchange Online credentials.
  2. Access Deleted Items:
    In the left pane, find and click on the “Deleted Items” folder.
  3. Recover Deleted Items:
    At the top of the “Deleted Items” folder, click on “Recover items deleted from this folder.”
  4. Empty the Recoverable Items Folder:
    Select the items you want to permanently delete, and then click “Purge.”

This process should clear out the “Recoverable Items” folder and prevent the emails from reappearing.

Solution 2: Check for Holds and Disable Recovery Features

It’s crucial to ensure that no holds are preventing permanent deletion. Here’s what to check:

  • Retention Hold or Litigation Hold:
    Verify with your administrator if any holds are applied to your mailbox. If holds are active, they need to be lifted to allow permanent deletion.
  • Disable Single Item Recovery and Delay Hold:
    These features can be disabled by your administrator. Once disabled, items in the “Recoverable Items” folder will be purged automatically within 24 hours.

Solution 3: Using MFCMAPI to Clean Recoverable Items

If you can’t access the “Recoverable Items” folder via OWA, you can use the MFCMAPI tool. This tool provides a more advanced method to access and clean up your mailbox. Follow these steps:

  1. Download and Install MFCMAPI:
    Visit the MFCMAPI GitHub page and download the latest release. Install the application on your computer.
  2. Configure Your Outlook Profile:
    Open MFCMAPI and go to “Session” > “Logon.” Select your Outlook profile.
  3. Navigate to Recoverable Items:
    In the left pane, expand your mailbox, then expand “Root Container” > “Recoverable Items.”
  4. Delete Items:
    Under “Recoverable Items,” you will find subfolders like “Deletions,” “Purges,” and “Versions.” Right-click on these subfolders and select “Empty Folder” to delete all items.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage and permanently delete emails from your Exchange Online mailbox, ensuring they do not reappear. If you continue to face issues, contacting your IT support team for further assistance may be necessary.


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